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Tri-Club Competition

15th May 2022

All students


Thank you to National Cleaning Machines for so generously subsidising our event, it was really appreciated.  

Sparring at Daventry Tigers
Team event at Daventry Tigers
We had Team and Individual Patterns, Sparring, Breaking, Speed Kicking and Speed Punching, Family patterns and Show pieces.  You did not disappoint.  Congratulations to everyone!

For more photos, click over to our Tri-Club Competition Gallery Page.

Carpenter-McDowell Show Piece Display

The McDowell-Carpenter Show Piece

The undoubted stars of the show created their own amazing show-piece display.  Watch out for the very clever set of belts from White to Black which they ripped off as they went along.

Thanks too to all the officials who gave up their day to help run the event, and for all the parents and hangers on for stepping in and acting as runners, counters, as well as holding pads, running the top table, keeping scores and helping keep the squash topped up.

Thanks too to the students who ended up officiating for the adult competitions, when all the adult officials and helpers were busy doing the competition.

 We had a great day, and from the feedback we've had so far, we think you all did too.

Thank you to everyone for coming.

All students at Tri club champs

In the Daventry Express

We made the local paper too! Lovely article there by Lucie Green here.

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